SpellCasters VS: Goblins & Pixies Review by Brittany Williamson


We received a review from Brittany Williamson on Instagram. She's a wife and mother of two boys, and former teacher that likes to promote educational toys through social media. She was kind enough to review our sight word game for first graders, SpellCasters VS: Goblins & Pixies!

Brittany: As a former teacher, the desire to instill early literacy in my children is high. I want to ensure they are starting Kindergarten at least on, if not beyond, grade level. I also don't want to force reading skills to the point they don't want to read or discuss phonetics at all. Enter: Zarfling games. My 2 year old son (while a little too young to play the game with fidelity) loves looking through the cards and asking, "What word is that?" He enjoys finding cards with the same words, and he loves the pictures on each card. This game can be used in so many ways for a wide range of children's ages, interests, and abilities. I love that the words aren't just random words, but rather from a researched list of first grade sight words. Teachers and parents alike ought to include these games in their literacy building repertoire.


Thank you for your review of our game, Brittany! We're glad your son enjoys it. Follow Brittany on Instagram @dalzellwilliamson

Find the game here!


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