Travis interviews indie game creators and small business owners

Nosy Bones is an interview series meant to provide viewers whimsical insight about the ambitious people creating independent games and running small businesses. Six categories of questions based on Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How are assigned to six d6 (six-sided dice). Travis rolls the dice on a pre-recorded video to provide the guests their six wacky questions that they can answer on their own time. Check out our interview with Kevin Dees of the card game Six Forms! Contact Travis if you’d like to conduct an interview.

Profits from this site allow us to purchase books to donate to children’s hospitals!

A donation to Dell Children’s Hospital, 22 November 2017

A donation to Dell Children’s Hospital, 22 November 2017

A donation to Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, 15 March 2021

A donation to Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, 15 March 2021