Inspect Inertia, WN3 2023

Join me on this weekly blog as I inspect inertia! My aspirations benefit from preparation. Planning is my way to avoid apathy. Adhering to a daily routine and a fitness regiment allows me to feel good about setting aside time to appreciate an interest.

Daily Routine, Genesis: Battle of Champions

I write the origin of my daily routine ahead of time to prepare and keep me on track. The Origin: Battle of Champions card I look at each day is posted on Instagram and Twitter to my personal account, @TangibleTravis. I look at a GBoC card each morning as a quick reward for completing my routine. Productivity advocates recommend eliminating anything that interferes with your learning. “The 5-hour rule is the concept of spending at least one hour every workday consciously learning new things or practicing various activities.” ( However, I still want to enjoy hobbies. I will never be a competitive player of any card game but as an avid casual player I do enjoy the living gameplay, fresh artwork, and community discussion surrounding card games.

Monday: still get to bed early and wake up at same time as work day despite being holiday, take vitamins with water, read ten pages of book about livestock, take family on hike.

Tuesday-Friday: early wakeup, take vitamins with water, plan workout time for Wednesday and Friday based on each day’s work schedule, read ten pages of book. Regarding each day’s water intake, I tried apps to remind me about drinking water but it ends up becoming a nuisance. Instead, I like to arrange times to drink and keep water near me.

Saturday-Sunday: sleep in an hour, take vitamins with water, make breakfast for family. I like trying at least one different thing when making breakfast, even if it’s just adding something new to the pancake batter. Hit or miss, it’s a learning experience!

Fitness Regiment, Flesh and Blood

The reason I enjoy the competitive card game Flesh and Blood is because of the unique fantasy lore and tight gameplay. While you won’t see me at any tournaments, I respect that they happen for that player base. My interest is Commoner, the format that primarily uses cards of the common rarity, and Ultimate Pit Fight (though I have yet to meet a group for UPF). If anyone knows a group in the central Texas area, let me know! I am anticipating the Player versus Environment, or PvE, format coming this year. It will resemble a TableTop RPG in gameplay. Again, I reward myself with considering a common card for use when exercising. The Flesh and Blood card I post each day to the #FaBFitness hashtag is posted on Instagram and Twitter to my personal account, @TangibleTravis. I am by no means a fitness expert, so feel free to connect with me on social media if you have suggestions.

Monday, train like a FaB ranger: hike in woods

Wednesday, train like a FaB ninja: push-up burnout, ab wheel burnout

Friday, train like a FaB guardian: tire drag, walking lunges with dumbbells

Saturday/Sunday, train like a FaB warrior: (depending on free time): long jog

R.L. the Artificer, Magic: The Gathering

This week’s brief discussion is about Nails and Screws. My dad, retired woodcarver R.L. Blair, knows a lot about making things. Since he has always referred to himself a “Stuff Maker,” I am considering him an artificer for the purpose of cohesion. I am including a different artificer from Magic: the Gathering in each week’s article. They’re one of my favorite creature class types in the game! Even if you don’t play this card game, as learn together about making stuff from a modern day (somewhat) artificer. Article coming Wednesday!


Mythical Inquiries: Imp